June 10 & 11, 2017

Giant Fabric Sale

Award-winning quilter and architect Bob Leathers has traveled the world collecting fabric. When not traveling and designing community projects, Bob found time to design the Visions Art Museum at Liberty Station.

July 15, 2017

Opening Reception

Funny Bone, David Charity, Jamie Fingal, Nancy Lemke, Pam RuBert, Kathy Weaver
Nida Powers, Kathy Nida
Women of Mystery, Charlotte Bird
Masquerade, Visions Member Challenge

August 12, 2017

Visions Veranda Sale

Visions Art Museum Annual Sale on the museum’s Veranda. We have hundreds of yards of donated fabric for quilting, crafting, dress-making and home decor at our biggest sale of the year, the Visions SALE ON THE VERANDA. All proceeds benefit the museum’s exhibition program.