Riot of Color: Divining Treasure, Darcy Falk
January 16—April 3, 2016
Opening Reception: January 16, 5-7pm.
Riot of Color: Divining Treasure introduces Darcy Falk's Schematics series of vibrant collages reflecting her childhood fascination with machines beginning with old cars at her grandfather's auto repair shop. More recently, she began to collect mechanical drawings starting with an original patent drawing for an antique American Beauty iron purchased at a thrift store. That was followed by schematics for toasters and other household appliances, along with instruction manuals for vintage cars and farm equipment.
Falk's narrative exists in her ability to re-create the world according to her vision revealing not only the simple beauty of the hand-drawn illustrations, but also their precision and instructional nature. "Most importantly," says Falk, "they reveal mystery — the secret lives of machines — by making those inner workings visible."
Looking to ground abstract ideas by engaging the senses, Falk gives the viewer just enough clues to expose an idea, recall an experience or memory, much like a childhood matching game. She uses collage to give important elements their due, removing the insignificant while using fragments to create a whole, honest picture of her world.
Meet artists Darcy Falk, Yvonne Porcella, Kathleen Probst and members of Canyon Quilters of San Diego at the opening reception for their exhibitions, Riot of Color: Divining Treasure, Yvonne Porcella: 50 Years an Artist, Kathleen Probst's Modern Simplicity, and Earth, Wind, Fire & Water from Canyon Quilters of San Diego on January 16, 2016 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Admission is $7. Visions Art Museum members are complimentary. Light refreshments will be served.