You make a difference! Thank you to everyone for donating cloth masks and fabric! VAM staff member Rebekah delivered finished masks to the Third Avenue Community Organization (TACO), where she volunteers on a regular basis, and got the fabric to an organization in San Diego that is mass-producing cloth masks.

Would you like to make a cloth mask? Here’s how:

Making Masks

It is highly recommended that you wear a mask yourself while making masks for others.

For instructions on how to make masks:
Joann’s Fabric
Masks for Covid
Relief Crafters of America

For some information about the best fabrics to use, click here:

Distributing Masks

Masks are in high demand for grocery store clerks, gas station workers and convenience store staff. The number of masks needed varies from business to business. Call or check the store’s website before dropping off masks. Many VAM members have asked for information about how to distribute masks to hospitals and clinics. As the protocols vary by organization, we are not able to provide a master list of where to drop masks. To support a clinic or hospital, please check that institution’s website.

Homeless Shelters

Shelter employees and volunteers, as well as their unhoused clients, are in severe need of masks. For those of you in the San Diego area, please consider making masks for Third Avenue Charitable Organization (TACO), where VAM’s Exhibitions and Store Manager, Rebekah Deep, is a regular volunteer.

Fabric Drive

Several organizations in San Diego are mass producing masks and need donations of fabric. Fabric should be cotton/cotton flannel, preferably with a thread count of 230. Each piece should be a minimum of a ½ yard. If you have fabric to donate, please email [email protected].

Thank you to everyone who is engaged in this effort. VAM is truly more than a museum. Thank you for being a part of this community.