Crazy Quilts
November 4, 2011—January 22, 2012
Opening Reception: November 4, 5-7pm.
Crazy Quilts were a new form of needlework when they first began appearing in the 1880s. Pieced, embroidered and embellished, these "crazies" were often made of silk and velvet scraps but today can be hand or machine stitched from almost anything.
The Visions Quilt Challenges have proven to be popular additions to the exhibitions. Visions members may submit one 12" square Crazy Quilt Challenges due October 25th quilt that must be for sale priced at $150, $200 or $250. Proceeds from sales benefit the artists and Visions Art Museum. Please include the title of the quilt, price, your name, address, phone, email, and note if you would like to donate the quilt to the Visions live auction if it does not sell while on exhibit.