Text image - Visions Art Museum: Contemporary Quilts + Textiles

Frequently Asked Questions about our arrangement with Amazon

1.  How does this work?
Whenever you use our Search link to buy something on Amazon, Amazon gives us a referral fee.

2.  How much does it cost?
There is no additional cost to you whatsoever.  Amazon merely shares some of its profit with the museum in return for the referral.

3.  Does this work with my Amazon PRIME account?
Yes, it works fine and you retain all your PRIME benefits.

4.  Why do I need to use this special Search link?
The special Search link is uniquely coded so that Amazon knows that we provided the referral.  That is why it is so important to use our link each and every time you shop on Amazon.

5.  What if I just go to www.Amazon.com?
Then we will not get a referral fee.

6.  Is this the same thing as Amazon's SMILE program?
Actually, it is much better.  The referral fee when using our special Search link is substantially higher than what Amazon pays under the SMILE program.  That is why it is so important to use our link each and every time you shop on Amazon.

7.  May I tell my friends about this?
By all means.  Please do.  The more people who use this Search link, the better.  One does not need to be a member of Visions Art Museum in order to use this Search link.

8.  When I buy something on Amazon using this Search link, can I see how much Amazon credited to the museum?
No, but each month you can see the total of all the referral fees we have earned on the thermometer on the special Search box page.

9.  Can museum staff see what I have purchased?
Not specifically.  If we wanted to, we could see the complete list of everything that has been purchased by everyone using our Search link.  But there is nothing that identifies who bought which item.

10.  I have a question that is not covered here.
Please click here to send your question to us.  We will try to respond in a timely fashion.

To return to the Search Box page, click here.